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Final Tribal Council

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Final Tribal Council Empty Final Tribal Council

Post by switza Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:04 pm

First, we'll welcome in the jury: Dha, Babio, John, Eric, Jason, Alias and Timmay. And now our final two: Rebecca and Squidward. You two have outlasted the other 14 players in the game. But now you have one final chance to leave an impression. At this point, your fate lies in the hands of 7 people you've helped get eliminated from the game.

Jury members, this is your opportunity to ask questions, make comments, anything you need to do to figure out who deserves to win this game.

Rebecca and Squidward, you each get a chance to make an opening statement. Once they've both made their statements, jury you can begin asking your questions.


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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Squidward Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:55 pm

Hi guys! I’ll try to keep this short.

I’m not going to stand here and bullshit you about how awesome I was @ this game and how I was the mastermind behind every elimination ever. I know  a great deal of my being here can be attributed to luck among other things, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that I am here, does it?

No matter what I told anyone*, I was playing this game to get to the end with Rebs once I found out nelnon_forest was voted out. Her and I disagreed on how to get us there (ex: Airhead being voted out), but we got here. 

I’ll happily answer any questions yall have for me. I am fully prepared for any insults or hurtful remarks you may have because I’m sure this is not anyone’s ideal F2 but mine and Rebs. 

*= Yes, there was a point where I almost betrayed her for Jason.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Eric Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:53 pm

Switza, if you don't bring back Joory Haus immediately I will claw your eyes out.


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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:54 pm

Hey guys.

Firstly I just want to say congratulations to Squidward and to thank him for being such a good partner - I don't know if I could have made it here without him (the journey wouldn't have been half as easy anyways). I also want to thank you all for such a fun game!

I'm not going to blabber on too much, I'll try and keep this short and sweet. I am so proud of myself for making it to the F2 and to do it with Squidward, my partner from like day one, just makes it even sweeter. I think it is probably a shock to most people to find us in the finals, I don't think that either of us were the sole survivor that people imagined just 3-4 weeks ago. But I think I truly deserve my place here. I'm not going to claim that I am here through just hard work - a hell of a lot of luck came into play during this game - but I think I made the right moves as and when they were needed. I often think that when people think of good strategy they picture someone making bold moves all over the place, but to me good strategy is knowing when to make bold moves and when to sit back and let things happen.

I found myself in some very hairy situations in this game lol. It seemed as though my alliances would crumble at the first sign or trouble. But I am still standing here after all of that. There were some great players in this game and I am proud to have outlasted them to make it to this point.

I look forward to any questions you may have Smile

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Eric Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:37 pm

I had a rant that was pretty kick ass all set up, but I don't want to be the bitter, attention-seeking asswad juror of the season. You're welcome.

Rebecca: We didn't talk once this whole game. That's both our faults, but you're the one in the finals so you're the one that has to explain. Do you realize how completely lazy it was of you to, not once, contact me? I'm not talking alliance, just a quick PM before a challenge, or a "lol sry sucks to be you" after you vote me out.

Squid: In my opinion, you've come off pretty arrogant and douchey in this game, and not in a lol way. Why should I reward that with my vote?

Just so you know, Rebecca, my vote's going to be either for Squid or against Squid, unless you're a total badass answering questions. Hope that's fine with you.

And just a general question for both of you: whose votes do you expect to get, and why?

Also describe how you would go about seducing Tom Arnold. Thank you.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Babio_Firza Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:59 pm

Well well well. I am shocked to learn, that the Two people that betrayed my Alliance, were alligned. Suprise there.

Squidward, at what point did you find it right to fuck with me and say you didnt care about winning, and that you had a lot of stuff coming up, and you didnt matter if you went or not?

Rebecca, I am not nearly as pissed at you as I am at Rebecca, but I'm still very angry that you betrayed my alliance. When I came to you, you completely agreed, and then backed out and stabbed everyone in the alliance in the back. that's osmething you and Squid did.

To both of you, do you feel any regret in the fact that you lied, cheated, stole, and fucked with peple to get to the end?

TO both of you, who should be sitting here in your place?

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:14 pm

I'll start with your question Eric Smile

I agree that it was probably very lazy of me not to contact you, but I'm glad that you appreciate it that there is fault on both sides. I'll explain why we didn't talk from my perspective.

Coming into the merge I was at odds with Jason and John. They had dismantled my original alliance on my original tribe and we had all made it very clear of of mutual dislike for each other at that point. Once the merge happened it very quickly became obvious that you were alligned with both of them. It didn't seem beneficial to me to contact you because I didn't think there was any chance of me being welcomed into an alliance that contained John and Jason. Once Airhead went and I was in the minority again I felt as though you guys had your list of targets already in order in your minds and as far as I could see I was at the bottom of the list - i.e. I expected to be targetted only after Dha and Babio were sent home. I think if I had made my presence too obvious at that point then it would only have made me more vulnerable so I layed low. I didn't contact you after you were voted out because, with our lack of contact before, it would have stunk to me of jury pleasing which I don't like.

As far as voting for or against Squid, I would prefer for you to vote for me if you think I deserve to win (which I do), but obviously you have to vote based on how you feel/what you think.

I can't really answer your last question though because I genuinely have no idea how the votes will fall. I think it depends if the jury are bitter/vote with their emotions. I have no idea what criteria people are using at this point and I don't really know how people feel about Squidward and me now, so it would be too hard to call.

Also, Tom Arnold isn't my type, but if I were to seduce him it would involve hard liquor.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:24 pm

Now to Babio's question Smile

It's hard for me to answer that question when I don't agree with what you believe I did. I didn't vote for Airhead - not in the original vote and not in the revote. I stuck by the 5 man alliance that I was offered when we came into the merge and I was willing to risk drawing purple rocks (as 9 other people were) to show my loyalty to it and hopefully take me to the end. Then Dha quit and it was just me, you and Squid remaining. The other five were clearly voting for you at the next tribal council and there was no way$ to prevent you from going home. I had a choice - vote with them to send you home (you were going to be evicted with or without my vote) or vote with you, watch you go home, and make myself an even bigger target than I already was. I didn't see any point in singling myself out at that point so I voted with the group. I think I really have to stress here that it was not my vote that sent you home. You were going anyway and there was literally no way to save you.

The only person I truly backstabbed in this game is Jason and even then it wasn't exactly the betrayal of the century because we never had a F2 deal. I will have to deal with my actions there when he asks his question.

As far as who should be sitting here in my place, I am not going to answer because I don't think anyone should be sitting in my place except me. I played a hard game, made moves when I needed to, sat back when it was required, won immunities when it was needed and worked my way here. A lot of luck came into my game and for that I am grateful, but I think I deserve my place here.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Eric Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:32 pm

Stop not answering questions pls

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Squidward Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:44 pm

I never meant to come off as arrogant or douchey, I certainly never had a right to. I'm not trying to fight, but can you give an example of me being that way?

I expect Timm's vote, because he said he'd vote for me. I was also pretty confident that I had your vote b/c of one of the last PMs you sent me about me being the only "smart" player who did "damage control" with you "even though I didn't have to." But apparently I was mistaken.

Jason and John could go either way. I don't think either one necessarily respects Rebs' game, but I don't think either wants to see me win either.

I'd be shocked if Babio and Dha voted for me b/c I turned on them while Rebs stuck with them as long as she could.

and I expect Alias to vote Rebs because the two of them were closer than Alias and I. That would suck, since Rebs didn't put up much of a fight when I said I wanted to vote her out instead of Timmay, but I would understand.

So to sum it up: I know the jury doesn't like me (for reasons I don't completely understand) and I'm prepared to lose. Doesn't mean I'm not going to go down without a fight though.

@Tom Arnold. He seems to have fantasique taste in women, so I would probably have to dress up as Roseanne (</3) and seduce him with alcohol to get him off the wagon and have my way with him. It would be documented in a reality series for E! or MTv.

I don't think you realize that you and I were never definitively aligned. I tried talking to you once, I never got a response. You once pm'ed me about a 5 way alliance, I expressed interest, and you never got back to me. Days later, Airhead clued me in but you and I never carried on a conversation until before your elimination did we? I understand you feel betrayed, and I'm sorry, but at least I was honest. I owned up to voting Airhead and I gave you a heads up that you were being voted out. Would you rather be blindsided?

I was never "fucking with" you Babio. I was venting to you during a moment of weakness. If I truly didnt care about winning I would have quit or allowed Eric/John to vote me out. I wasn't "fucking with you" why do you think that? What would that have accomplished? Telling a lie like "i dont care about winning" would benefit me in no way. I can't do any more to convince you that I'm not as evil and vindictive as you think.

@Babio's 2nd question. I never cheated, and I never stole. And if by fucking with people you mean manipulating their feelings or emotions on purpose, I never did that either. I did lie. I lied about voting Jason in the jason vs. Airhead vote. I wanted Jason to be gone (b/c I was convinced Jason/Eric/John were F3) and I didn't want Eric to know that I had voted Jason out. Basically I got greedy. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too.

But Babio, you don't care about that. You want me to say that I'm sorry I lied to YOU and I don't think I ever did, did I? I told you we were voting you out HOURS before it happened. I never led you to believe that you were safe and then blindsided you.

@ Babio's 3rd question
Any combo of Jason/Eric/John.

I won't be able to answer questions again until friday afternoon, but please keep them coming. If you want me to expand or explain my answers ^^ please tell me.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:48 pm

lol If there is an answer that you want me to expand on or one that I haven't answered, but you don't accept my reason for not doing so then please say so and I will try to do it.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Timmay Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:48 pm

Babio_Firza wrote:
To both of you, do you feel any regret in the fact that you lied, cheated, stole, and fucked with peple to get to the end?

TO both of you, who should be sitting here in your place?

ok this is just stupid. how the hell else were they going to get to the end? skipping and holding yall's hands? Rolling Eyes the point is they made it there and played a better game than all of us. instead of throwing daggers at them, try asking some decent questions like eric et al and not sounding like cry babies BABIO. this is just sick.

congrats to both squid and rebecca. i already know who i'm voting just from the responses so far. someone was always in trouble and worked their ass off to get a seat in the final two, while the other person won a lot of challenges.

the only question i have is who did you backstab to get where you are? a list please, along with how you backstabbed them. this may change my mind on who to vote. keep in mind that backstabbing is NOT a bad thing imo.

game is game. if you ended up being a casualty from it then suck it up and learn from it. unbelievable.


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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:02 pm

Timmay Smile Thank you for appreciating that whatever happens in the game is necessary to get you to the end, but please don't write me off as someoe who just won some challenges.

I was in danger of going home a lot, both in my original tribe and once the merge came. I never found myself on the upside of a majority alliance until John was voted out and after that I made moves that were necessary to get me to this position. I earned my place here and I fought damn hard to get to the F2. My original alliance was picked off one by one on Kayes and I never had the benefit of being picked to join Mopti for a round so I never had a reprieve. Every time we went to tribal council, my ass was on the line, especially as my allies went home one by one. Then when the merge came I was in the same position. The first individual immunity that I won was completely necessary because I was in trouble that week. Babio, Dha and Airhead were gone and I truly believe that I was next. The other two immunities were more to make sure that other people didn't win them more than anything else. But please don't just think that I won challenges and that's how I'm here - this took a lot of work!

There were really only two people that I backstabbed in this game. Jason and Alias. Jason was my saviour half way through the merge game and the lifeline that he gave me benefited both of us mutually. There was always going to come a time that we were going to turn on each other because we had our own, separate F2s - I just did it first. I don't regret it because I have no doubt that if I hadn't done it then I wouldn't be sat here. It was just something that had to happen to further me in the game.

This is where Alias comes in. I approached her to get her on side for the vote against Jason. She was obviously in a very bad position in that her allies were gone, but the upside was that she was able to be the swing vote. I'm very pleased that I was able to convince her to come with us and take Jason out because it got me one step closer. I told her that I thought my chances would be better against her in the F2 than against any of the others, but I always knew that if the choice had been mine as to who would be sat here with me then I would have picked Squidward. So I lied to her as I needed to, but I think that she always knew the score as to where my allegiances lay.

I hope this helps show you that I didn't just win immunities, but that I made moves and clawed my way here. I hope you think I deserve your vote.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Jason Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:35 pm

Rebecca, you're not going to get Timmay's vote anyways so stop trying.

Well, well, hello guys. First, I want to say congratulations on making the Final 2. No matter how you got there, you’re there. There are a couple things I want to address though & I hope to get some clear cut answers from you, because my vote is still very much undecided at this point, because there are some things that bother me about both of you.

Squidward, I want to know this. How much (in a percentage, please) of your game was luck and how much was skill?

At the Final 7, what did you do to save yourself when the original plan was for me/Eric/Alias/John to vote you out? Because I’m pretty sure I know how it unfolded and I want to see if you know how it happened too.

This last one is just to see how much you followed the game. From the beginning name the tribe that won immunity for each challenge and who they kidnapped. And tell me who get switched in the swap.

Those are my three main questions to you, but I do want to say I’m a little annoyed you keep bringing up the “almost” betraying Rebs and going to the F2 with me. Almost means shit. You didn’t do it, it doesn’t matter if you thought about it if you didn’t do it and I’m sure no one else cares either about what you almost did. Tell us what you did do.

And now on to Rebecca… (this should be good).

Rebecca, (in a percentage please), how much of your game was luck and how much was skill?

What do you think are your chances of winning this game? Why do you think that?

Convince me in this question that you want to win this game and WHY I should vote for you, because you’ve basically played this game with no personality from what I’ve seen. Also, you seemed to be really upset when I lied to you when Nelnon was voted out, but you had no problems with my lying when I voted out John and then you went and told your own lies. That makes you a big fat hypocrite.

And finally, give me the bootlist for this entire game and include specific vote counts (like if the outcome was 7-1 or what) for the Tribal Councils you attended.

Good luck to the both of you again.


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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Squidward Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:53 pm

I thought I'd be able to keep answering questions but I can't it's too much to type on my phone. Mist of you know who I am and if you do you might know what's going on. I do have a lot to say and masons question especially is going to take a lot of typing. I might cone on and read what's going on but my actual answers won't be up for awhile

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Squidward Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:58 pm

Oh Jason I just thought of something. Should we pm you the answers about the bootlist and stuff so it doesn't look like we copied each other

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by DhaDominant1 Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:06 pm

4 Squid why should i vote for you too be the winner when you betrayed me and my alliance?

what was your intensions with betraying my alliance?

squid/rebecca do you have any regrets at all about how you played the game? because one of you guys played the game dirty and backstabbed and one of you was honest annd stayed true


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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:07 pm

lol hi Jason.

In a percentage I would say that my game was 80% skill, 20% luck. I would have said more luck if you had asked me this question just a couple of hours ago, but the more I have had time to think about it the more I realised that some of the luck elements I had considered actually came about because of the position I had manouvered myself into.

I think I have a good chance of winning this game. I think I played a strong game, but more than that I think I played a smart game. Squidward is good competition and I'm glad he is sitting next to me, but I think I deserve this win. I would hope that people would see that and would give me their votes.

I made a decision after the merge to keep my head down. If you knew my identity in real life then you would know that I am not naturally a quiet person, I can be a bit of a loud mouth. In the beginning I played a bit more openly and on our original tribe I think I showed personality in the challenges and around the camp board. We were always a quieter tribe than Mopti anyways. Once the merge came I saw what happened to people who spoke their mind and spoke all the time - they were very swiftly sent home. Airhead was targetted for being a leader and then Dha and Babio were to be next because they exerted themselves all the time, they made themselves big targets. I made a conscious choice to shut the hell up because it suited my game better. Anything I did to draw attention to myself would have just made me stick out more and be picked off earlier.
I was angry at you and upset when Nelnon was voted off because I was under the misconception that we were at least partially alligned. I was also very angry and upset with myself for not seeing how close you and John were earlier. A combiniation of both ended with me expressing how I felt quite vocally lol.
I had no problem voting out John because we had no allegiance to each other and I don't think I lied in that tribal because I had never promised John anything at that point. I did backstab you in the vote that you went home, but I didn't lie there either. I told you that I was voting you out before you went home. The only person I think I lied to was Alias when I implied that I would take her to the F2.
I want to win this game so badly! I may not have been the loudest person on the board or the one with a real in-your-face personality, but that's because I had seen those qualities be other people's downfalls. I played a smart strategic game and I am desperate for this win! I hope that you can see the moves I made and the positions I manouvered myself into and appreciate that while I wasn't always loud, I always had a presence here. I hope you can see that I want this win and that I deserve it!

The Tribals (as best I remember them):
Alisa (7-1-1)
EDIT: Col. Sanders (3-3-1, revote: 4-3)
Raining (5-1)
Nelnon (2-2, John's vote counted more)
Airhead (5-5, revote: 6-4)
Dha (QUIT)
Babio (7-1)
John (4-3)
Eric (4-2)
Jason (3-2)
Alias (3-1)
Timmay (1)

Last edited by Rebecca on Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:08 pm

It's OK Squidy, our bootlist questions were slightly different I think Smile

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:14 pm

Hi Dha.

I don't have any regrets about how I played the game. Everything I did got me to where I am sitting now and I don't feel as though any move I made genuinely hurt anyone, especially not unnecessarily. I was dealt a continously difficult hand, but I came out fighting each time. The only true, solid, game-long alliance I had worked out till the very end because he is sitting here next to me and for that I am very proud. In my other alliances I tried to stay loyal, but they didn't work out for reasons beyond my control at the time. I think I played well and I didn't have to resort (too much) to playing dirty.

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Timmay Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:21 pm

Jason wrote:Rebecca, you're not going to get Timmay's vote anyways so stop trying.

psychic in the house?

thanks rebecca for answering the question.


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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:25 pm

lol no problem Lady - I would hope your vote is still up for grabs Smile

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Timmay Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:34 pm

who snatched off my wig and sunglasses?


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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Rebecca Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:43 pm

Haha :p

I think I'm the only one still with their fake nose still attached...

Or am I?

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Final Tribal Council Empty Re: Final Tribal Council

Post by Timmay Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:46 pm

i have my suspicions. i'm hoping you are Dansup. :-) Either him or marbleann


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