LSquared: Mali
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Kayes Tribal Council 2

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by switza Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:40 pm

Welcome in players. First things first, Squidward, you need to grab a torch and approach the flame. As long as you have fire, you're alive in the game. Now for some questions..

Squidward, you've had an interesting game thus far. This is your first Tribal Council, because you were swapped between tribes a couple times. Do you think that being with both tribes is a benefit for you, or do you think the others players might be more reluctant to ally with you now?

John, you were quick to bring Squidward back to your tribe. Is it just a given that when they take one of yours, you'll just take them right back? Or do you think it could be more significant in the long run to take an original Mopti who might be in a power position while sacrificing a former tribemate?

So far we've had 3 challenges. In the basically one-on-one, individual challenge, you guys dominated. On the other two, which involved teamwork, Mopti dominated. Do you think these results say anything about the tribes?

Last time you were here, there was a bit of a split vote. Will tonight be the same, or is the tribe pretty united in how the vote will go?

Alisa is gone, presumably because of inactivity at the first challenge. Is there anybody left that is clearly less active and perhaps less needed for the tribe, or is everyone pulling their weight at this stage?

Does anybody feel safe tonight?

It is now time to vote. You have until 8pm tomorrow to PM me your vote. If you have an individual immunity idol and want to use it, say so in the PM with your vote.


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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Squidward Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:00 am

1. It's not really a benefit. Nobody over there talked to me other than "hey squid, welcome!" seriously, that was the extent of my interactions over there lol. They're friendly sure, but it seemed like I was the first boot no matter what if I hadn't been brought back.

2. We're just better at a certain type of challenge I guess. Well, I shouldn't say "we" i was on the losing tribe for that challenge lol

3 and 5. I think it's still up in the air whose going home. It's TC, no one should feel safe lol

4. I think we're all doing a pretty nice job of pulling our weight.

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Join date : 2010-11-07

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by John Palyok Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:36 pm

John, you were quick to bring Squidward back to your tribe. Is it just a given that when they take one of yours, you'll just take them right back? Or do you think it could be more significant in the long run to take an original Mopti who might be in a power position while sacrificing a former tribemate?

I think it should be, because the only way it would benefit us to take one of their tribe members is if we win two challenges in a row. If I were to have taken someone from their tribe, if we were to lose the next one, they would just get taken right back. Plus I don't know their tribe dynamics yet so it would all just be guesswork.

So far we've had 3 challenges. In the basically one-on-one, individual challenge, you guys dominated. On the other two, which involved teamwork, Mopti dominated. Do you think these results say anything about the tribes?

No, I just think there were other circumstances that caused our loss. That challenge last night was hard. I guess they were just better, I don't think teamwork had anything to do with it.

Last time you were here, there was a bit of a split vote. Will tonight be the same, or is the tribe pretty united in how the vote will go?

I honestly have no idea

Alisa is gone, presumably because of inactivity at the first challenge. Is there anybody left that is clearly less active and perhaps less needed for the tribe, or is everyone pulling their weight at this stage?

No, that's what sucks. Everyone is pulling their weight and we don't have any inactive people. We just need to hope that we keep winning.

and no I don't feel safe.
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Rain-ing Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:52 pm

I'll answer the questions later

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by switza Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:28 pm

I’ll collect the votes. Remember, the person receiving the most votes will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. If you have an individual immunity idol and would like to play it, now is the time to do so….

“I'm playing my idol”

Ok, any votes for John P will not count. Here we go…

First vote….


Second vote….

Col. sanders

1 vote Col., 1 vote Squidward

Third vote….


That vote does not count.

Fourth vote…


Also, does not count. We’re still at 1 vote Squid, 1 vote Col.

Fifth vote….


2 votes Squidward, 1 vote Col. Sanders, 1 vote remains.

Sixth vote…..

Col. Sanders

We have a tie. We’ll have a re-vote. Squidward can only vote Col, and vice versa. So only John, Rain-ing, Rebecca and Nelnon need to vote. In the event of a second tie, as leader, John will get the tiebreak vote.

You have 12 hours to PM your vote to me.


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Join date : 2010-11-04

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Col. Sanders Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:36 pm

Keep me please
Col. Sanders
Col. Sanders

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Rebecca Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:50 pm

Wow fuck me! Didn't see anything this dramatic happening!

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by John Palyok Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:01 pm

2-2-2 vote!!!
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Col. Sanders Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:15 pm

I don't have anything against you squid. I had a gut feeling this would be the vote.
Col. Sanders
Col. Sanders

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by switza Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:10 pm

I'll collect the votes...

First vote....


Second vote...


Third vote...


Fourth vote......

The third player voted out of Lsquared: Mali.......

Col. Sanders

Col. Sanders, the tribe has spoken. It is time for you to go.

This was a very intriguing vote. It will be quite interesting to see how the dynamics of this tribe change as a result.

Head back to your camp. Goodnight


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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Rebecca Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:23 pm

Sorry to see you go Colonel!

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by John Palyok Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:35 pm

bye Colonel!
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Squidward Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:48 pm

Bye col! Thanks for keepingme guys

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Kayes Tribal Council 2 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 2

Post by Rain-ing Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:37 pm

Bye Colonel! Sad

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