LSquared: Mali
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Kayes Tribal Council 1

Col. Sanders
John Palyok
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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by switza Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:26 pm

Welcome in players. Before we get started, you each need to grab a torch and approach the flame. In this game, fire represents life. As long as you have fire, you're still in the game.

Before we get to the vote, I have a few questions for you guys.

For this season, there is a much greater number of players using an alias than in previous seasons. With so many people hiding their true identity, does it make it tougher to trust everyone else?

John Palyok, you were selected as leader of the tribe. You get a lot of power with that position. But there is some added pressure. Do you think a target is on your back from the get go as leader, or will the tribe trust you as their chosen leader and keep you around?

For the rest of you, John stepped up to be the leader. Would it be unfair of you guys to target him because of it?

Has anybody noticed any obvious alliances or rivalries forming around camp?

Early on in these types of games, is it foolish to look ahead? Is the best strategy to just keep your tribe as strong as possible for the time being?

Let's talk about the challenge. John showed up late which got your tribe into a hole, but Alisa never showed up for the challenge. For the rest of you who were here for the challenge, how tough is it to watch it slip away because a couple tribemates weren't here?

Alisa, with what has been said, do you feel on edge tonight; could missing the challenge put you at greatest risk tonight?

After the challenge, the twist arrives that the winning tribe gets to add a player from the losing tribe. Does that twist factor into the way you'll form alliances throughout this game?

How big is the loss of Squidward to the tribe?

Now it is time to vote. You have until 7pm eastern tomorrow to PM your vote to me. You are NOT allowed to change your vote once you have PM'd me. JP, if you decide to use your immunity idol, you must state so in the same PM as your vote.


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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by John Palyok Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:02 am

For this season, there is a much greater number of players using an alias than in previous seasons. With so many people hiding their true identity, does it make it tougher to trust everyone else?

It makes this much more like a mystery game, which is nice because almost everybody is on the same page.

John Palyok, you were selected as leader of the tribe. You get a lot of power with that position. But there is some added pressure. Do you think a target is on your back from the get go as leader, or will the tribe trust you as their chosen leader and keep you around?

I think this vote will determine the answers to your questions.

Has anybody noticed any obvious alliances or rivalries forming around camp?

Not really, we're pretty laid back for the most part.

Early on in these types of games, is it foolish to look ahead? Is the best strategy to just keep your tribe as strong as possible for the time being?

Seeing as none of us know each other, I think it's best to just focus on what's going on right now, and deal with the future when we get there.

After the challenge, the twist arrives that the winning tribe gets to add a player from the losing tribe. Does that twist factor into the way you'll form alliances throughout this game?

Kind of, because it gives us the opportunity to pick someone from the other tribe if we win, and we can use that in a bunch of different ways. I think we just need to be careful about how obvious we are with who's in what alliance and who's our strongest challenge members.

How big is the loss of Squidward to the tribe?

He was really helpful in this challenge, but I'm hoping it won't hurt us too much.
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Col. Sanders Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:07 am

Yes to all
Col. Sanders
Col. Sanders

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Alisa Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:25 am

For this season, there is a much greater number of players using an alias than in previous seasons. With so many people hiding their true identity, does it make it tougher to trust everyone else?

- no i think it makes it easier becuz u don't have any preconceptions.

For the rest of you, John stepped up to be the leader. Would it be unfair of you guys to target him because of it?

- yeah. he has a great leadership style. just becuz he put his neck out there doesn't give us the right to lop it off.

Has anybody noticed any obvious alliances or rivalries forming around camp?

- not really, no.

Early on in these types of games, is it foolish to look ahead? Is the best strategy to just keep your tribe as strong as possible for the time being?

- it is definitely not foolish to look ahead. i missed ONE challenge, i can guarantee you there will be people in the future who will miss challenges, and who aren't as loyal as me

Alisa, with what has been said, do you feel on edge tonight; could missing the challenge put you at greatest risk tonight?

- ive been told im probably going which sucks. my wrist was killing me last night i couldn't even bend it. i didn't take my medication in time either so i couldn't get on, i really couldn't even use my wrist. all i can say is sorry and i won't let it happen again.

After the challenge, the twist arrives that the winning tribe gets to add a player from the losing tribe. Does that twist factor into the way you'll form alliances throughout this game?

- it's probably best to form loose alliances.

How big is the loss of Squidward to the tribe?

- huge. they were talkabtive and active, the other tribe really gained a number with that one.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-11-09

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Alisa Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:03 pm

well im definitely gone. i just wanted to give you all some advice - in the future do not make an alliance with someone you don't intend to keep when the shit hits the fan. im pretty sure if it wasn't for one person i wouldn't even have a clue i was going tonight so thank you for your honesty Nel. i missed one challenge and was more active than almost all of you before this first challenge so i can only hope someone is in my shoes next go round.

to those of you who have made promises to me and then turned your back, i leave you with your bad karma. thanks for throwing me under the bus. i will be gladly casting my vote against the person i find to be the most epic disappointment.

thanks for having me switza.

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-11-09

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Rebecca Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:05 pm

For this season, there is a much greater number of players using an alias than in previous seasons. With so many people hiding their true identity, does it make it tougher to trust everyone else?
I really like mystery games so I think it's a lot of fun. It helps to remove preconceptions and stop people falling into the same old alliances.

For the rest of you, John stepped up to be the leader. Would it be unfair of you guys to target him because of it?
He did us a favour by stepping up when no-one else did, but then it hurt us in the end. He did warn us beforehand though, we just didn't see it coming. I did have an inkling though Razz

Has anybody noticed any obvious alliances or rivalries forming around camp?
There has been chat amongst everyone, but nothing really outright. I think it's about finding who works hard/who you click with at this point. Alliances matter a lot more later on I think.

Early on in these types of games, is it foolish to look ahead? Is the best strategy to just keep your tribe as strong as possible for the time being?
You have to keep your eye on the prixe, but try not to get too far ahead of yourself.

Let's talk about the challenge. John showed up late which got your tribe into a hole, but Alisa never showed up for the challenge. For the rest of you who were here for the challenge, how tough is it to watch it slip away because a couple tribemates weren't here?
It was hard because I don't think we saw it coming. I definitely thought we were the stronger tribe so it really sucked to lose.

After the challenge, the twist arrives that the winning tribe gets to add a player from the losing tribe. Does that twist factor into the way you'll form alliances throughout this game?
You can use the power in a number of differnt ways I guess. You can bring someone over and try and work with them, you can steal their strongest player and vote them off, etc. It's an odd twist to manage lol.

How big is the loss of Squidward to the tribe?
Squidy was fun and he worked really hard so it's a definite loss, but hopefully we can pull together now there are fewer of us and really make sure we own this thing Smile

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Jason Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:02 pm

For this season, there is a much greater number of players using an alias than in previous seasons. With so many people hiding their true identity, does it make it tougher to trust everyone else?

What else can you do? Just play the game as best as you can. Of course, I think people are thinking about who could be who and you do want to be careful, but aside from that unless people tell you who they are or it’s revealed there’s nothing much else you can do.

For the rest of you, John stepped up to be the leader. Would it be unfair of you guys to target him because of it?

We could’ve won the challenge except he wasn’t here so make your own assumptions. Of course he did at least show up, but he did put himself out there and that was a calculated risk he took.

Has anybody noticed any obvious alliances or rivalries forming around camp?


Early on in these types of games, is it foolish to look ahead? Is the best strategy to just keep your tribe as strong as possible for the time being?

I think you need to look ahead, but still think about the best possible thing for the time being. It’s a fine balance of both, I think.

Let's talk about the challenge. John showed up late which got your tribe into a hole, but Alisa never showed up for the challenge. For the rest of you who were here for the challenge, how tough is it to watch it slip away because a couple tribemates weren't here?

Like I said, we could’ve won the challenge or at least tied it, not sure what would’ve happened if there had been a tie, but John wasn’t here. Really it all depended on him and unfortunately he wasn’t here, but we flat out right could’ve won if John and Alisa had been here on time.

After the challenge, the twist arrives that the winning tribe gets to add a player from the losing tribe. Does that twist factor into the way you'll form alliances throughout this game?

Not really, obviously they wanted Squid for some reason. Either to vote him off or use him as a valuable vote/ally.

How big is the loss of Squidward to the tribe?

I don’t even remember him.


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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by switza Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:06 pm

I’ll now reveal the votes. If you have an individual immunity idol and would like to play it, now is the time…

And here we go…

First vote…


I think that meant Alisa.

Second vote…


2 votes Alisa

Third vote…


3 votes Alisa

Fourth vote…


Fifth vote….


That’s 3 votes Alisa, 1 vote each for Rain-ing and Rebecca, 2 votes remain…

Sixth vote….


3 votes Alisa, 2 votes Rain-ing, 1 vote Rebecca, 1 vote remaining….

Seventh vote….

The first player voted out of Lsquared: Mali……


Alisa, the tribe has spoken. It is time for you to go.

For the rest of you, it seems some of you voted because of inactivity. The rest of you had other ideas; we’ll see if you are able to get on the same track as a tribe.

Head back to your camp. Goodnight


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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by John Palyok Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:12 pm

Bye Alisa Sad
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Rain-ing Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:31 pm

Bye Alisa Sad

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Jason Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:35 pm

Weird vote. Bye Alisa.


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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Rebecca Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:42 pm

Bye Alisa Sad

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Rebecca Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:48 pm

I guess Alisa voted for me... nice!

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Kayes Tribal Council 1 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 1

Post by Col. Sanders Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:20 pm

Dispicable you
Col. Sanders
Col. Sanders

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