LSquared: Mali
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Sikasso Tribal Council 6

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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by switza Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:12 pm

Welcome in once again Sikasso Tribe. Also, we welcome the jury: Dha, Babio, John, Eric and Jason, voted out at the previous Tribal Council.

First off, there is a lot of talent on that jury. Several players who were playing great games. For you to have outlasted them takes a lot of talent and you deserve some recognition for that. Looking back at this game, are you surprised that you were able to make it to final four?

Squidward, how much pressure is relieved when you have immunity?

Rebecca, you had won immunity at 3 straight challenges. Do you feel you could be seen as more of a threat than Timmay or Alias?

When Jason was voted out last time, it showed that alliances aren't as strong as everyone thought. Could tonight's vote be just as unpredictable, or will the person going home have a good idea they're going?

Before, it might've been unwise to look to far ahead at match-ups in the finals. But now you have to be thinking about who you have a shot of beating in the Final Two. Will that be the main factor in your voting decision tonight?

Rebecca, Alias, Timmay, each of you give the biggest reason that you should not be voted out tonight.

It is now time to vote. You have until 8pm eastern to PM your vote.


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Join date : 2010-11-04

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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Re: Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by Squidward Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:37 pm

[quoteLooking back at this game, are you surprised that you were able to make it to final four?[/quote]

Yes. The beginning of this game was a mess for me, I definitely didn't feel safe at any particular TC. The people who were playing as themselves are great players I really thought they'd have taken me and Timmay out by now lol

Squidward, how much pressure is relieved when you have immunity?
Tons. For once I won't be constantly checking this site for TC to be posted.

When Jason was voted out last time, it showed that alliances aren't as strong as everyone thought. Could tonight's vote be just as unpredictable, or will the person going home have a good idea they're going?
I don't even know whose going home tonight. Not Rebs.


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Join date : 2010-11-07

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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Re: Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by Alias Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:53 pm

First off, there is a lot of talent on that jury. Several players who were playing great games. For you to have outlasted them takes a lot of talent and you deserve some recognition for that. Looking back at this game, are you surprised that you were able to make it to final four?
Absolutely. Especially now that I know a lot of the aliases used, I'm pleasantly surprised to have made it this far.

When Jason was voted out last time, it showed that alliances aren't as strong as everyone thought. Could tonight's vote be just as unpredictable, or will the person going home have a good idea they're going?
Anything can happen at this point. I'd like to hope I'm staying but I'm prepared either way. It's either me or Timmay. We'll see.

Before, it might've been unwise to look to far ahead at match-ups in the finals. But now you have to be thinking about who you have a shot of beating in the Final Two. Will that be the main factor in your voting decision tonight?
A deal that I made is the main factor for me. I like to keep my word as much as possible.

Rebecca, Alias, Timmay, each of you give the biggest reason that you should not be voted out tonight.
Because I'm here. A deal has been made, we all know what it is. Besides, I think that whoever goes home tonight won't make any difference as to who is in the F2. I'm playing for third right now.


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Join date : 2010-11-06

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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Re: Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by Rebecca Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:35 am

First off, there is a lot of talent on that jury. Several players who were playing great games. For you to have outlasted them takes a lot of talent and you deserve some recognition for that. Looking back at this game, are you surprised that you were able to make it to final four?
I'm really shocked if I'm honest. When Nel was voted out just before the merge I thought I was done for haha!

Rebecca, you had won immunity at 3 straight challenges. Do you feel you could be seen as more of a threat than Timmay or Alias?
Well one of those wasn't so much a win for me, but more of a 'making sure someone else didn't win' lol. Like most people have said, I don't think it's about that at this point.

When Jason was voted out last time, it showed that alliances aren't as strong as everyone thought. Could tonight's vote be just as unpredictable, or will the person going home have a good idea they're going?
It's hard to say at this point. I feel as though everyone (bar the person wearing the immunity necklace) feels as though it could be them. I hope it isn't me, but I'm not taking anything for granted.

Before, it might've been unwise to look to far ahead at match-ups in the finals. But now you have to be thinking about who you have a shot of beating in the Final Two. Will that be the main factor in your voting decision tonight?
My vote tonight is based on what is best to get me into the finals. I think.

Rebecca, Alias, Timmay, each of you give the biggest reason that you should not be voted out tonight.
This is a hard question to answer. I don't think people vote based on whether you deserve it or not, etc. All I can say is that I hope it isn't me.


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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Re: Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by switza Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:11 pm

I'll collect the votes. The person receiving the most votes will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.

First vote..........


Second vote.......


Third vote........


Fourth vote..........

The twelfth player voted out of Lsquared: Mali and the sixth member of the jury........


Alias, the tribe has spoken. It is time for you to go.

Final three. One more challenge, one more player voted out and one of you will be the sole survivor of Lsquared: Mali.

Head back to your camp. Good night


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Join date : 2010-11-04

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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Re: Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by Alias Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:27 pm

Rooting for you LadyJ.


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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Re: Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by Squidward Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:29 pm

Bye alias

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Sikasso Tribal Council 6 Empty Re: Sikasso Tribal Council 6

Post by Rebecca Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:40 pm

Bye Alias.

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