LSquared: Mali
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Kayes Tribal Council 4

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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by switza Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:03 pm

Come on in once again Kayes tribe. Tonight you'll be voting out your 4th member.

First I want to say that I think we had a first in the challenge. You guys just gave up and forfeited. You weren't that far back and Alias showed up shortly after you forfeited. Do you regret your quick decision on that one?

John, you've received votes the last couple times at Tribal Council. Do you feel your leadership is being rightfully challenged?

It seems alliances won out last vote and Rain-ing was sent home. Considering tonight's challenge was about activity, do you think it might've been a mistake?

After this vote, you'll be down to 4 original Kayes vs 7 original Mopti, and one of your four has spent more time over at Mopti. Do you think that the numbers at this point will change the way you play the game, or will you continue to stick strong to alliances, even if it continues to cost you more members of your tribe?

It seems your losing might be a result of a series of poor decisions. What does the tribe need to do to turn this around?

It is now time to vote. You have 24 hours to PM your vote.


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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by John Palyok Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:15 pm

First I want to say that I think we had a first in the challenge. You guys just gave up and forfeited. You weren't that far back and Alias showed up shortly after you forfeited. Do you regret your quick decision on that one?

In retrospect, yeah, kind of. But I was listed as last because I told them I wouldn't be here, but I had a change of plans and then I could be here. So me being here served almost no purpose at all since I was #5.

John, you've received votes the last couple times at Tribal Council. Do you feel your leadership is being rightfully challenged?

I haven't directly caused any losses like Raining was implying. I gave everyone warning about the first one, but that would've been a tie even if I were here because Alisa didn't show. I guess my leadership could've been better, otherwise we would've won more, but I don't get why "let's vote out John!" is such a running theme with us.

It seems alliances won out last vote and Rain-ing was sent home. Considering tonight's challenge was about activity, do you think it might've been a mistake?

I'm still not concerned. If we lose again, though, that'll suck.

After this vote, you'll be down to 4 original Kayes vs 7 original Mopti, and one of your four has spent more time over at Mopti. Do you think that the numbers at this point will change the way you play the game, or will you continue to stick strong to alliances, even if it continues to cost you more members of your tribe?

Well we kind of have to seek alliances with the other tribe at this point, or hope that Squid brings over other people.

It seems your losing might be a result of a series of poor decisions. What does the tribe need to do to turn this around?

nah, it's just bad luck with some challenges, plus one or two people not being here for each one. We just need everyone to show up for the next challenge and we should be good.
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Nelnon_Forest Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:29 am

First I want to say that I think we had a first in the challenge. You guys just gave up and forfeited. You weren't that far back and Alias showed up shortly after you forfeited. Do you regret your quick decision on that one?

No, we only regret choosing John as leader.

John, you've received votes the last couple times at Tribal Council. Do you feel your leadership is being rightfully challenged?

John has no leadership, so the question is moot.

It seems alliances won out last vote and Rain-ing was sent home. Considering tonight's challenge was about activity, do you think it might've been a mistake?

Yes, it was a huge mistake on one person's. Some of us saw the intelligence in voting out THE OTHER TRIBE'S MEMBER! Others did not.

"After this vote, you'll be down to 4 original Kayes vs 7 original Mopti, and one of your four has spent more time over at Mopti. Do you think that the numbers at this point will change the way you play the game, or will you continue to stick strong to alliances, even if it continues to cost you more members of your tribe?"

There is an opportunity for 3 of us to ditch the loser and make a run in this game, but with the way this game has gone so far, I suspect that it won't happen.

It seems your losing might be a result of a series of poor decisions. What does the tribe need to do to turn this around?

The first and most critical decision was our choice of leader. We didn't stop to realize that if the host was asking this, it may have a VERY IMPORTANT impact on the game. Turns out, karma is a bitch, and this original choice is going to be the downfall of the entire tribe. Certain people have had multiple opportunities to change this course, but have chosen not too. And even if 50% of us every vote want to change it, we can't force a tie because tie goes to the "leader."


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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Rebecca Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:52 am

First I want to say that I think we had a first in the challenge. You guys just gave up and forfeited. You weren't that far back and Alias showed up shortly after you forfeited. Do you regret your quick decision on that one?
Not even a little bit. Alias suddenly appears after the challenge is over to rejoin her original tribe - too suspicious! She was never going to help us because she is a Mopti member! Forfeiting saved us time and ended up with the same result. It sucks to have to quit though.

It seems alliances won out last vote and Rain-ing was sent home. Considering tonight's challenge was about activity, do you think it might've been a mistake?
I don't even think it was that alliances won out. It was a stupid decision on one persons part and the rest of us had to go with it because that's where the numbers were. I think it was an absolute mistake. We kept a useless leader and an original Mopti over an active and loyal Kayes member!

After this vote, you'll be down to 4 original Kayes vs 7 original Mopti, and one of your four has spent more time over at Mopti. Do you think that the numbers at this point will change the way you play the game, or will you continue to stick strong to alliances, even if it continues to cost you more members of your tribe?
I think it will be an absolute miracle if a Kayes member wins this game. Going into the merge we'll have probably 2-3 originals left and we'll be picked off one by one. Thinking that any cross tribal alliances will get you to the end is just stupid. We needed our Kayes originals!

It seems your losing might be a result of a series of poor decisions. What does the tribe need to do to turn this around?
I think it has been obvious for about 2 or 3 game weeks as to what we needed to do to turn this tribe around, but for some reason there still seem to be people who refuse to do it. The poor decision we made is that we elected John as the leader and we have been paying for it ever since. We gave him all the power and now we are powerless to do anything about it. I'm so torn as to how the vote will go tonight, but I don't have a particularly good feeling.


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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Jason Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:53 pm

First I want to say that I think we had a first in the challenge. You guys just gave up and forfeited. You weren't that far back and Alias showed up shortly after you forfeited. Do you regret your quick decision on that one?

Not really, even with Alias we would only have 3 and they had their full tribe and Nelnon didn’t show so they still would’ve won with their whole tribe here.

It seems alliances won out last vote and Rain-ing was sent home. Considering tonight's challenge was about activity, do you think it might've been a mistake?

No, if people had actually shown up we could’ve won, but since it was just Rebecca and me it was their fault we lost.

After this vote, you'll be down to 4 original Kayes vs 7 original Mopti, and one of your four has spent more time over at Mopti. Do you think that the numbers at this point will change the way you play the game, or will you continue to stick strong to alliances, even if it continues to cost you more members of your tribe?

I’m not worried about numbers, they’re just numbers.

It seems your losing might be a result of a series of poor decisions. What does the tribe need to do to turn this around?

No, what people need to do is actually show up to challenges. It doesn’t do any good if no one shows up. We could win with the tribe we have, but if people don’t even make an effort then of course we’re going to lose.


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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by switza Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:11 pm

I'll reveal the votes. The person receiving the most votes will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. If you have an immunity idol and would like to play it, now is the time....

Alright, first vote....


Second vote.....


Third vote..........


2 votes John, 1 vote Nelnon, 1 vote remains

Fourth vote...........


Once again we have a tie. Rebecca and Jason, you will cast another vote.


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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Nelnon_Forest Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:42 pm

Jason and Bex,

I accept the decision you make.
I just ask that you consider who you would most like
to try to go far with in the game and who gives you
that best chance.

Thanks. Good luck to you both if I'm out.

John. Go to hell.



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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Rebecca Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:25 pm

It looks as though you're going home Nel.

Really really sorry to see you go - you don't deserve it!

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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by John Palyok Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:24 pm

Whatever, Nel, I was always completely honest with you, you're the one who started lying to me.

I get that I haven't been the most powerful force in challenges, but I've been more useful than Nel in challenges.
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Nelnon_Forest Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:50 pm

I lied to you because I never wanted to work with you.

If this game didn't have a particular set of rules, you would be gone already.

So congrats on outlasting me, based on our horrible choice to make you leader.

You and Jason have no hope in this game.

Bex, good luck to you. I hope you can go far.



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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by switza Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:18 pm

I'll collect the votes....

First vote....


Second vote......


That means we have another tie. According to the rules, the leader of the tribe gets the tiebreak vote. John, you can't cast a vote for yourself. So...

The 5th player voted out of Lsquared: Mali....


Nelnon, the tribe has spoken. It is time for you to go.

This tribe seems to be in complete disarray. If you guys want to survive in this game, you'll need to come together.

Head back to your camp. Goodnight


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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by John Palyok Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:37 pm

bye Nel.
John Palyok
John Palyok

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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Jason Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:38 pm

Switza, don't lie. You know you love it.


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Kayes Tribal Council 4 Empty Re: Kayes Tribal Council 4

Post by Nelnon_Forest Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:59 am

We started with 8 people, 6 people were against John. Only Jason was with him.

Due to the 'rules of the game,' 6 people cannot overtake 2. Therefore John will outlast the entire tribe.

For future reference, you definitely need to elect yourself leader in Lsquared.

Good luck to you 3.

You're gonna need a miracle.



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