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1st ep.Altercation with babio

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1st ep.Altercation with babio Empty 1st ep.Altercation with babio

Post by DhaDominant1 Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:43 pm

well there was an altercation with babio on the tribal beach but you know what im going to make an example of babio and that example is dont mess with me and once you do you will be gone and i plan on getting him out the chance i have here is the conversation:

Babio:Eric,Alias; you both are rude shytheads. U obvs don't want to have some funners *gigglegiggle*
Alias:Nope. I'm all set on 'funners', thanks.
DhaDominant1babio shut up you sound real fuckin retarted right now
Babio:Dha, I don't think it's helping much that you discriminate against Mentally Challenged people. DO you know my sister has down syndrome? Real fucking smart
And Alias, get a life
DhaDominant1:Shut the fuck up your fuckin liein your just tryna make people feel bad for you and ummm sorry because calling you retarted is an insult to retarted people because your real fucking retarted. and what you mean that its not helping much?
Babio:How do you know i'm not LYING??? BTW, you're a horrible speller douchebag.
DhaDominant1:ummm because your tryna make people feel bad for you and ummm sorry im not talking proper dum shit this isnt fuckin school ok fuckin stupid bitch
Babio:Who's the stupid Dha. Go back to India.
DhaDominant1:ummm your so fucking stupid im not indian you racist bitch im fuckin spanish ok go back to where YOU Came from you fucking retart i feel bad for your mom because i would commit suicide if i had you
Babio:Too bad, because she'd be on top of you when she'd do it.
DhaDominant1:.........................your fucking stupid ass hell it just makes me laugh lol you are one of a kind babio you cant find a stupid ass dumb ass bitch like you anywhere else
Babio:Nope, I'm looking right at him....
DhaDominant1:lmao your to fuckin stupid it makes me laugh gosh i cant belive your on my team but thank god this is the only game your in with me but its okk that your on my team because ima be honest with you your going to be leaving pretty soon so if i was you id quit =)
Babio:So your one of those voodoo Mexicans aren't you?
DhaDominant1:ummm What The Fuck are you talking bout your fuckin weird as hell but im just letting you know you will be leaving so instead of being fuckin weird and calling me a mexican when bitch im puerto rican and you should thank me for giving you the heads up that you will be leaving
Babio:What makes you think i'm leaving? Did your Puerto Rican momma tell you?
Dha:because i said your leaving so its 100% that you will be leaving just dont be surprised when your ass is gone
Babio:What makes you think you're safe, you acting all Ghetto Trash and shit with misspelling everything and using the f word in every sentence.
Dha:umm im not ghetto trash get that straight ok? and im definantly safer than you because no one likes you and im being honest no one likes you and i could use the f word because im fuckin me get that straight 2
Dha:ill fuck your ass up
Babio:And if you threaten me, I'm sure you're ass will be out of here so fast, you're head would spin.
Dha:lol really? ok your on i want to see you do something.
lol i dare you to do something trust me att the end ill beat you
Babio:Why does it matter you dont even know who i am
Dha:umm but i know your annoying ass hell and i dont want to see or hear from your dumb ass again and im surprised you still havent taken my advice to quit.. you have alot of balls to not do that when your going to be leaving
Babio:I'm not a quitter shit head. You know what they say about bullies. They just try to cover up shortcomings by picking on others.
Dha:well you might as well quit dumb bitch because your going to be gone real fuckin soon and i dont know how many times i have to tell you till you realize it.and ummm that saying dosnt go for me
Babio:I'm pretty sure it does. You're a hot-headed, cocky, arrogant, pompous, egotistical piece of shit with Tiny Dick Complex that needs to get a fucking life.
Dha:umm no it really dosnt and your a fuckin retarted ass stupid ass lyin ass piece of shit that wish he had my dick that needs to fuckin die =)
Babio:Oh yea, really. Whatever. You fucking sockpuppet.
Dha:oooooo big ass insult please no more dont make me cry you fuckin piece of shit
Babio:Who's the real piece of shit here? hmm, hard one....
Dha:no its not a hard one its you and everyone agrees
Babio:I don't see anyone agreeing with you yet....They might think I'm annoying but I doubt they hate me like you do. You must be hated by everyone.
Dha:ok im done arguing with you because your jus a waste of time and jus wanna let you know your not going to be here for long
Babio:I doubt you'll even win....but oh well
Dha:ummm no but i bet you youll leave be4 me


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Join date : 2010-11-07

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