LSquared: Mali
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Final Confessional

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Final Confessional Empty Final Confessional

Post by Rebecca Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:21 pm

OK, second attempt at this because the first one got deleted Sad

Well the game is over, all that remains is to see who won. I don't think I have a hope in hell of winning, which is a shame, but sometimes that's just how the game goes. Right before the jury phase began I though I was in with a good chance of taking the title - I won challenges, approached some people when needed, didn't piss too many people off, etc. - but because a lot of people didn't bother approaching me at all during the game (a choice I think some of them regret now) they were under the impression that I did nothing to get where I am. They also implied that my challenge wins were a negative, which is something that has happened to me before. People talk about being a 'challenge whore' as if its less deserving of getting you to the final than being useless in challenges but good at alliances, etc. In that case I want to ask 'why bother having challenges at all?', but that's a side point. I also didn't know the whole story behind the identity reveals and so I didn't get exactly what had helped me get to the finals. Squidward did know and used that information to make me look bad. In fact he basically tried to trash my entire game in his jury speech, which is a shame because we had worked so well together. I think that kind of bahaviour is pathetic too because it's like the last resort of someone with no game of their own to be proud of. Jason and Dha jumped on the trashing wagon too - claiming that me game sucked or was boring - when they got voted out or quit! Jealousy is a terrible thing...

That said, I have no animosity toward anyone in this game. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed playing with them all! I also enjoyed playing my first mystery game as a girl! I love playing under an alias, not because I think it will positively influence my game - I think most people on imdb barely have any idea who I am, or if they do know then they really don't care - but because it allows me to do whatever I want! I also have a flawless record when it comes to keeping my identity a secret too and I'm proud of that Smile I'm looking forward to seeing who everyone else is too, though I think they all already know each other's identities.

Basically I think Squidward will win by a landslide. He has at least 5 of the jury votes locked up, so I might get two if I am very lucky. I'm not happy with second place, but there are worse positions to be in so it's not the end of the world. Thanks to switza for a great game! I think you are possibly the best host I have ever had. The challenges were interesting, the jury questions insightful and you were always very pleasant! Thanks for a great game Very Happy

Posts : 190
Join date : 2010-11-07

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