LSquared: Mali
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Confessionals Empty Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:13 pm

So I really like the tribe that I ended up on, we seem to have a more level headed group of players than the other tribe from what I've seen so far. I think I may have an advantage playing this game without an alias because it takes away the mystery from me, I have a reputation as weaker player I'm not proud of it but I think I can use it to my advantage. People won't really expect me to be an aggressive social player and I have an opportunity to take people by surprise.

(I`m not sure if you`re doing episodes for this or not but if you are and there is a certain way you want me to organize my confessionals just let me know and I`ll do it.)

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Join date : 2010-11-11

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:26 pm

We get to the first immunity challenge and things are going good, we have more people here than the other tribe and we have everything figured out. But our leader isn't here to confirm our order so we can't start sending yet. I really hope he gets here soon, it will be so discouraging to just sit here and watch as the other tribe beats us.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:59 pm

The challenge isn't over yet, but I know we've already lost. Its very frustrating that we had the numbers to win all throughout the challenge, but five minutes before John shows everyone left. I don't blame them either, I'm fed up of sitting and waiting for someone come online. When it was just an hour at the beginning that was fine, but the extra forty minutes on top of it are what did it for me. John is not a dependable leader and he needs to go. I don't hold anything against John personally, my sole reason for wanting him out is so someone more dependable can take his place.

Squidward and I are planning to split the vote tonight in the event that John uses his Idol. We've narrowed the second person down to Alisa or Col.Sanders, we'll wait until we have officially lost to make the choice.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:51 pm

Well this evening went well. We lost the challenge, we can't vote out the person who is responsible for our loss and now we lose Squidward, aka my closest and only ally. Our plan to split the votes is officially screwed, no one seems to want to vote for John, I at least hope he plays his idol so that it's out of the way.

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Join date : 2010-11-11

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:45 pm

So I ended up no voting at all at Tribal Council, I spent so much time talking over whether it should be Col. Sanders, Alisa, or John, that by the time I signed out I didn't even vote. It didn't affect the outcome in anyway so I'm not bothered by it. What was surprising was the second vote cast against me. Shortly after tribal Rebecca approached me and told me that she was the second vote for me. She told me it was because she was closest to Alisa and didn't want to start betraying people this early in the game so her vote against me was a throwaway. I believe her and understand her reasons why so I'm not upset about it.

Col. Sanders also approached me and told me that they were Alrmw22. I want to believe this and I could see it being true, but I am very skeptical, because if anyone were to lie about being a person, they would lie about being her. However, I could also easily see it actually being Kathy, but I'm still not sure and I'll be keeping a close eye on them.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:47 pm

The second immunity challenge went amazing, we absolutely dominated the other tribe. The best part was getting Squidward back on our tribe, it feels like our tribe is whole again, and that we've learned to work together well after our failure at the first challenge. Hopefully we can go on a winning streak from here and steal multiple members from the other tribe so we have something to fall back on should we ever lose a challenge.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:49 pm

I was just talking with the other tribe, and I found out that Danny was voted out of their tribe, this is no surprise at all. He was easily their least active member.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:39 pm

We completely blew that challenge, clearly we got overconfident from the last challenge, and this turned out to be a complete mess. Jason is gone now, which sucks because he talked to me and I feel that we saw eye to eye.

I'm very interested to see how tribal is going to go down. Squidward seems to want to vote Col. out. But I can trust Col. at least I think I can. I can't trust John and Col. is willing to vote for him, I really want to vote with Col. and rope in another vote because if we lose the next challenge, there are four of us left then, and that's when John's idol becomes very dangerous. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do because Squidward is a solid ally and I do not want to spoil things with him.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:45 am

So I ended up voting for Col. Sanders and I feel like pure shit about it, I was stuck between choosing between my two closest allies and it just came down to who I thought would be of more help to me in the long run. Squidward is a very strong and consistent player, Col. Sanders is strong but they weren't always consistent and I just couldn't help but be skeptical that Col. Sanders was Kathy. If she truly was, I'll feel twice as worse about my choice. But in the end I'm glad Squidward is still here.

But, Tribal didn't go at all how I thought it would, the votes were everywhere. I'm glad John played his idol, if we lose again we can finally get rid of him, if he was just another player in our tribe I wouldn't be so worried but he is a terrible leader and we need someone to replace him so Kayes can finish strong before the merge and at least tie up the numbers before the merge, just incase tribal lines still matter then.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:54 am

Tonight's challenge was a leader's only challenge, so I set my expectations low and they were met. To no one's surprise John blew the challenge for us (this is the second immunity challenge he has single handedly lost for this tribe, and he did nothing to help with the one we did win). The fact he is still in this game really frustrates me because I had to part with one of my allies when he should have been the one voted out.

Yet again Squidward is gone to Mopti again and I have no steady allies again. I can talk to Nel and Jason, but I can't trust either of them the way I trust Squidward. I have no clue where Becks stands and I would rather cut off my arm before I ally with John, so I'm feeling pretty uneasy. On the bright side Alias is on our tribe so if we wanted to we could easily vote her out, but I have a feeling that things won't be that simple. Nel PM'd me and told me that shits going to go down, he's offline now so I'm not to certain as to what that shit pertains to so I'm feeling on edge now.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:49 pm

So I had every right to feel uneasy, the entire tribe is voting me out, which makes absolute zero sense in my eyes. We have Alias, who serves no value to our tribe, by voting her our we could have equal numbers with the other tribe. And we have John, our completely ineffective leader who some how still holds all the power in our tribe. Yet some how I am the target, I have no alliance, I help the tribe, but I`m by no means a challenge threat, they are really only hurting themselves by voting me out.

In a last ditch effort I asked Airhead to give me his idol so I could get rid of John, I know its a pathetic last ditch effort, but everyone has already voted for me so it was the only shot I had and I might as well try. I don`t think anything will come of it, but if it does I will be very happy.

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

Post by Rain-ing Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:56 pm

I am ecstatic right now, Airhead is actually considering giving me his idol! I'm still not expecting anything but I've already got more than I was expecting.

Posts : 69
Join date : 2010-11-11

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Confessionals Empty Re: Confessionals

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